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Статья должна иметь убедительные доказательства, подтверждающие умозаключения автора; обладать новизной; представлять интерес не только для ученых данной области, но и для исследователей других родственных дисциплин.
Редакционная коллегия и редакция журнала «Государство и право» рассматривают статьи, объем которых не превышает 20 страниц (1 п.л., или около 40 тыс. знаков). По согласованию с руководством журнала статьи могут быть приняты и большего объема.
В отдельном файле размещаются сведения об авторе:
фамилия, имя, отчество автора (соавтора) полностью;
ученая степень или научное звание (если имеются);
место работы или учебы (с полным указанием наименования учреждения или вуза и его адреса);
контактная информация (адрес, телефон, e-mail).
Автором должно быть отмечено, что статья предназначена для журнала «Государство и право». К рассмотрению не принимаются материалы, направленные в несколько изданий, в случае выявления факта направления рукописи в другие издания в дальнейшем материалы автора не будут приниматься к рассмотрению.
Аспиранты, соискатели представляют статьи только при наличии отзыва научного руководителя соответствующего научного учреждения или вуза с указанием его должности, ученой степени и научного звания, а также e-mail и телефона.
Статьи, поступившие от студентов, не регистрируются и не рассматриваются.
Плата за публикацию статей в журнале не взимается.
Рукописи не возвращаются.
Краткое изложение материалов, опубликованных в журнале, размещается на русском и английском языках на сайте: www.igpran.ru (с номера 11 2013 г.) и в Научной электронной библиотеке на сайте: http://elibrary.ru (с 2010 г.).
Напоминаем требования к оформлению статей, представляемых для опубликования: 1. Статьи направляются онлайн через сайт издательства «Наука»: http://www.naukaran.com
2. Формат текста:
стиль – Times New Roman;
междустрочный интервал – 1.5;
размер шрифта текста – 14, сносок – 10.
верхнее – 2 см, нижнее – 2 см, левое – 3 см, правое – 1 см.
3. Образец оформления “шапки” статьи, в том числе рецензии, обзора, персоналии и т.п.
4. Аннотация – не менее 65 слов, ключевые слова – 10 (междустрочный интервал – 1.0, размер шрифта -12, курсив).
6. Нумерация сносок постраничная, сквозная.
7. Страницы должны быть пронумерованы.
8. Объем статьи не должен превышать 20 страниц, информации о научных конференциях – 25, научного сообщения – 12, рецензии – 8 страниц. Статьи аспирантов и соискателей должны быть объемом 8-12 страниц.
9. Автор в конце статьи должен указать, что текст статьи (цитаты, цифры, сноски) вычитан и сверен. Автором должен быть подписан экземпляр статьи с указанием, что текст статьи (цитаты, цифры, сноски) вычитан и сверен. За достоверность и точность данных, приведенных в материалах, ответственность несут авторы.
10. Автор перед отправкой рукописи в журнал должен тщательно проверить общую орфографию, а также правильность написания соответствующих юридических терминов.
11. Иллюстративный материал должен быть представлен в форматах tiff, eps. Не желательно использовать файлы в формате jpg. Отсканированные изображения должны быть с разрешением не менее 300 dpi для тоновых изображений и не менее 600 dpi для штриховых изображений (графики, таблицы). При дальнейшем масштабировании изображений более чем на 20% разрешение сканирования увеличивается пропорционально.
Если работа выполнена в Corel Draw, желательно предоставление двух вариантов: родной и экспортированный. Если в изображении содержатся только векторные объекты, то экспортировать в Adobe Illustrator (.ai) со следующими установками:
• версия 10.0
• Destination – Macintosh
• Export text as – Curver
• Флажки все.
Если в файле имеются растровые объекты, то экспортировать в TIFF
(300 dpi) и прилагать связанные растровые изображения отдельными файлами.
Если Вы не уверены в качестве отсканированного или изготовленного Вами материала, лучше предоставить оригинал.
Если нет возможности предоставить оригинал, то должна присутствовать сопроводительная записка о не предъявлении претензий к качеству изображений.
Иллюстрации, вставленные в WORD, не являются оригиналами, должны быть представлены отдельные файлы.
13. В случае несоблюдения настоящих правил по оформлению статьи (обзора, рецензии) редакция оставляет за собой право не рассматривать ее.
1. Издание осуществляет рецензирование всех поступающих в редакцию материалов, соответствующих ее тематике, с целью их экспертной оценки. Статьи рецензируются в обязательном порядке членами редакционной коллегии журнала, которые являются признанными специалистами по тематике рецензируемых материалов и имеют в течение последних 3 лет публикации по тематике рецензируемой статьи.
2. Член редколлегии, являющийся научным руководителем автора или сотрудником подразделения, в котором работает автор, не может выступать в качестве рецензента.
3. Основная цель рецензирования — предоставить редакции аргументированную информацию для принятия решения об опубликовании материала. Положительная рецензия должна содержать рекомендации авторам по улучшению статьи. Отрицательная рецензия должна указывать авторам на слабые места рукописи, чтобы авторы, чьи работы отклонили, понимали, на чем было основано решение.
4. Редакция в случае принятия или отказа статьи к опубликованию доводит до сведения авторов решение редакционной коллегии журнала.
5. Редакция оставляет за собой право не предоставлять автору статьи сведения о рецензенте.
6. Рецензии хранятся в редакции в течение 5 лет.
7. Редакция направляет авторам представленных материалов копии рецензий или мотивированный отказ, а также обязуется направлять копии рецензий в Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации при поступлении соответствующего запроса.
Статьи, авторы которых не устранили конструктивные замечания рецензента, к опубликованию не принимаются.
Окончательное решение о дате публикации статьи принимается в рабочем порядке в процессе формирования содержания очередных номеров и утверждается главным редактором либо его заместителем.
Статьи, не принятые к опубликованию, возврату не подлежат.
Электронные файлы статей (оттиски) после их опубликования в журнале направляются авторам на указанные ими e-mail в формате PDF, их можно прочитать при помощи свободно распространяемой программы Acrobat Reader .
Кроме того, просим учесть, что, так как высылаемая статья уже передана на печать, то исправления для внесения их в текст статьи не принимаются. В случае необходимости авторы могут обратиться в редакцию журнала с просьбой о публикации “Поправки”.
Редакция журнала в своей деятельности руководствуется Декларацией Ассоциации научных редакторов и издателей “Этические принципы научных публикаций” http://www.naukaran.com
Previous names: “The revolution of the law” (1927 to 1929) “The Soviet state and revolution of law” (1930 – 1931) “The Soviet state” (1932-1938) “Soviet state and Law” (1939 – first half of 1992) “State and Law” (second half 1992 – present) Certificate of registration media № 01110145 from February 4, 1993
Founders: Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of state and law RAS
Editor-in-Chief – Kleandrov Mikhail I., corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in retirement, ex-judge in the Economic Court of the CIS from the Russian Federation, chief researcher of the sector of Business and Corporate Law of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Vice-Editor-in-Chief – Krotkova Natalya V., PhD in Law, leading researcher of the Constitutional Law and constitutional justice sector of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The journal is included:
– in the Russian science citation index (RSCI) and registered in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU;
– in the database Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) Web of Science.
Subscription index in United catalogue “Press of Russia” – 70866
Publisher: Federal state unitary enterprise “Academical scientific publishing, production, printing and bookselling center of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Publishing house “Science”” (Akademizdatcenter “Nauka” RAS)
Address: 117997 Moscow, Profsoyuznaya str., 90
Address of the editorial office: 119019 Moscow, Znamenka str., 10
Phone: +7 (495) 691-87-34
SAVENKOV Alexander N. (Chairman), corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, acting Director of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
BAGLAY Marat V., corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, honored scientist of the Russian Federation
VERSHININ Alexander P., Doctor of Law, Professor, General Director of the Russian National Library (RNL)
ZHUKOV Vasily I., full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of historical Sciences, Professor, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, Advisor to the Directorate of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
ZORKIN Valery D., Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
KRASHENINNIKOV Pavel V., Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on state construction and legislation
KROPACHEV Nikolay M., Doctor of Law, Professor, rector of St. Petersburg state University
LISITSYN-SVETLANOV Andrey G., full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor, chief researcher of the sector of International Law of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
MAKAROV Nikolay A., full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of historical Sciences, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
SMIRNOV Andrey V., full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Director of the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
LUKASHEVA Elena A., corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, chief researcher of the human rights sector of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
TOLSTOY Yury K., full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of justice of Russia, Professor of St. Petersburg state University
KHABRIEVA Talia Ya., full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of Russia, corresponding member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Director of the Institute of legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
KHOKHLOV Alexey R., full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, Professor, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Vestnik of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
YAKOVLEV Veniamin F., corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic
ABDULLIN Adele I., Doctor of Law, Professor, head of Department of International and European Law Federal State Autonomous educational institution “Kazan (Volga region) University”
AVAKYAN Suren A., Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Lomonosov Moscow state University
ARUTUNYAN Gagik G., Doctor of Law, Professor, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, a retired Chairman of the High Council of justice of the Republic of Armenia
BOGDANOVA Natalia A., Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Lomonosov Moscow state University
BRINCHUK Mikhail M., Doctor of Law, Professor, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, chief researcher of the sector of Environmental, Land and Agricultural Law of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
VYLEGZHANIN Alexander N., Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of International Law of the Moscow state Institute of international relations (University) of the Russian foreign Ministry
GRACHEVA Elena Yu., Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences, honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of science and technology of the Russian Federation, first Vice-rector, head of the Department of Financial Law, Kutafin Moscow state law University (MSAL)
GUBIN Evgeny P., Doctor of Law, Professor, head of the Department of Business Law, Lomonosov Moscow state University
GUTSULYAK Vasily N., Doctor of Law, Professor, honorary worker of the Navy, Professor of the chair “Transport law” at the Law Institute of the Russian University of transport (RUTH)
Wang JIHUA, Doctor of Law, Professor, Deputy Chairman and Secretary General of the Association of Comparative Law of the people’s Republic of China, head of the Department of Comparative Law of the Institute of Comparative Law of the Political Law University of China
DIDENKO Anatoly G., Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Caspian University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)
DOROSHKOV Vladimir V., Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of education, judge, Secretary of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Moscow state Institute of international relations (University)
ERSHOVA Inna V., Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of Business and Corporate Law, Kutafin Moscow state law University (MSAL)
ZHUKOV Vyacheslav N., Doctor of Law, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of theory of state and law and political science, Lomonosov Moscow state University, chief researcher of the sector of Philosophy of Law, history and theory of state and law of the Institute of state and law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
ZANKOVSKY Sergey S., Doctor of Law, Professor, head of the sector of Business and Corporate Law of the Institute of state and law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
KAMENKOV Victor S., Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Republic of Belarus, Chairman of the Supreme Economic Court of the Republic of Belarus in resignation, head of the Department of Financial Law and legal regulation of economic activity of the Belarusian state University
KLEANDROV Mikhail I. (Editor-in-Chief), a member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in retirement, ex-judge in the Economic Court of the CIS from the Russian Federation, chief researcher of the sector of Business and Corporate Law of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
KROTKOVA Natalya V. (Vice-Editor-in-Chief), PhD in Law, leading researcher of the Constitutional Law and Constitutional justice sector of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
MALKO Alexander V., Doctor of Law, Professor, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of legal Sciences, Director of the Saratov branch of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
MATSKEVICH Igor M., Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor, honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of the Prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of criminology and criminal executive law, Kutafin Moscow state law University (MSAL)
NOSYREVA Elena I., Doctor of Law, Professor, head of the Department of Civil Law and procedure of the Voronezh state University
POLYAKOVA Tatyana A., Doctor of Law, associate Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation, head of the sector of Information Law and International information security of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
RAGIMOV Ilgam M. oglu, Doctor of Law, Professor, Chairman of the Expert Council on legal Sciences of the Higher attestation Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan
SALIEVA Roza N., Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Republic of Tatarstan, academician of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences, head of laboratory of legal problems of subsoil use, ecology and fuel and energy complex of Institute of problems of ecology and subsurface use of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
SANNIKOVA Larisa V., Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the sector of Civil Law, civil and arbitration process of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
SEVERINO Paola, Doctor of Law, Professor, President of the Italian branch of the International Association of Criminal Law
SKACHKOVA Galina S., Doctor of Law, Professor, head of the sector of Labor Law and social security of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences
FOKOV Anatoly P., Doctor of Law, Professor, head of the Department of Comparative Law of the Russian state University of justice
SHERSTYUK Vladimir M., Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the faculty of law, Lomonosov Moscow state University
EBZEEV Boris S., Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, member of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences, judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, member of the Central Election Commission of Russia
YARKOV Vladimir V., Doctor of Law, Professor, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of civil procedure of the Ural state law University
The article must have convincing evidence for its conclusions; to be new; to be of interest not only for scientists in the area, but also to researchers in other related disciplines.
The editorial Board and the editorial Board of the journal “State and Law” review article, the volume of which does not exceed 20 pages (1 quire, or about 40 thousand characters). In coordination with the leadership of the magazine articles can be taken and larger.
In a separate file located information about the author:
surname, name and patronymic of author (co-author);
academic degree or academic title (if any);
place of work or study (full name of the institution or University and its address);
contact information (address, phone, e-mail).
The author must be noted that article is for the journal “State and law”. Not considered material sent to several media outlets in case of submitting the manuscript to other publications in the future, the author will not be taken into consideration.
Post-graduate students, applicants submit the articles only with the review of the supervisor of the relevant scientific institutions or University indicating his / her position, scientific degree and scientific title, as well as e-mail and phone.
Articles submitted from students that are not captured or considered.
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1. The articles are sent online through the website of the publishing house “Science”: http://www.naukaran.com
2. Text format:
style – Times New Roman;
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the text font size – 14, footnote 10.
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3. A sample ofan article, including review, overview, personalities, etc.
4. Abstract – no less than 65 words, key words – 10 (line spacing – 1.0, font size – 12, italics).
6. The numbering of the footnotes pages through and through.
7. Pages should be numbered.
8. The article volume should not exceed 20 pages of information about scientific conferences – 25, scientific reports – 12, review 8 pages. Articles of post-graduate students should be approximately 8-12 pages.
9. The author should specify at the end of the article, that the text of the article (quotes, figures, footnotes) proofread and checked.The author must be signed by the first copy of the article indicating that the text of the article (quotes, figures, footnotes) proofread and checked. For the reliability and accuracy of the data provided in the materials, the responsibility of the authors.
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13. In the case of non-compliance of this regulation on design of articles (review, reviews) the editors reserve the right not to consider it.
1. The publication provides a review of all submitted materials, appropriate to her subjects, for their expert evaluation. The articles are reviewed in the mandatory members of the editorial Board of the journal, who are acknowledged experts on the subject of the reviewed materials and have in the past 3 years publications on the subject of the reviewed article.
2. Member of the editorial Board, which the supervisor of the author or employee of the Department where the author works, cannot act as a reviewer.
3. The main purpose of the review is to provide a well-reasoned editorial information for making decisions about the publication of the material. Positive review must contain recommendations to the authors to improve the article. The negative review should indicate that the authors the weaknesses of the manuscript to the authors whose work is rejected, understood what was the solution.
4. The editorial office in case of acceptance or rejection of articles for publication to inform authors of the decision of the editorial Board of the journal.
5. The editors reserve the right not to provide the author information about the reviewer.
6. Reviews are kept in editorial office for 5 years.
7. The editors send the authors copies of the reviews or a reasoned refusal, and shall also send copies of reviews to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation in the event of receipt of the request.
The final decision about the date of the article publication is taken routinely in the process of formation of the contents of the next room and approved by the chief editor or his Vice-Editor-in-Chief.
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In addition, please note that, as the expelled article has already been submitted for printing, fixes for entering them in the text of the article will not be accepted. If necessary, authors may contact the editorial office with a request for publication “Amendments”.
The editorial staff of the journal is guided by the Declaration of the Association of scientific editors and publishers “Ethical principles of scientific publications” http://www.naukaran.com